Friday, January 23, 2015

#SaveDallas Strong Support as Odds Increase Against Renewal

The #SaveDallas is still everwhere on social networks.  In some form or another you can find such hashtags as #SaveDallas, #SaveDallas2014, and #SaveDallas2015.  A blog post here just a few days ago shot up with readers to a record high for this small blog.  This was a higher ratings for this blog than the "Goodbye Mork" post about Robin Williams.  So what's wrong with the world?  Why isn't some network picking up the iconic Dallas?

The answer to the above questions is really simple.  With the exception of some die-hard fans, and a handful of other supporters everyone else has given up.  Look at the show's stars twitter post and they've move away from #SaveDallas.  We couldn't even pull in one or two stars here by mentioning them to get them to read our post.  The producers gave up way back in December and others have already said no to the show coming to their networks.  Now it's a battle of time, and as it goes in the television world, "Time is not on our side."

So what about those die-hard and even so-so fans out there who want to see Dallas continue?  What about the ones that want to see some closure to the series at least?  What can they do to promote Dallas back on before it's too late?  Remember, now it's January.  Time is flying by and February will be here soon. The longer it takes the more likely the stars will have new shows with new contracts, the sets will be gone, and the entire cast and crew will be scattered around the entertainment world.  Time is not on our side here, so what needs to be done is three simple steps:

1.  Any article about #SaveDallas needs to be promoted, read, re-read, and promoted again.  All of them from small blogs to big blogs.  Why is this small blog writing about Dallas again?  Because people read it, people promoted it.  Attention was brought to my blog.  Other blogs work the same folks.  Do it for all of them.  Get those numbers up.

2. Hound the cast.  They all have twitter accounts.  Maybe someone else is running the accounts, but they are out there nonetheless.  Make Facebook, Twitter and every other social media explode as you name off the cast, crew and show your #SaveDallas signs.  You have to drive them back to respond just as I tried in my Twitter post.

3.  Watch Dallas on Netflix.  If you don't have Netflix call them and take it- be sure to tel them the only reason you're taking Netflix is to watch Dallas and then watch it.  They know who is watching and who's not.

Finally, as I stated before, there is a good chance all this will not work.  As time marches on, the odds of Dallas being picked up dwindles.  Sorry, it's just the truth.  But, if in the end Dallas can not be saved, remember - you were part of something big.  You were a part of a move to try to save an iconic show and cast.  You can always be proud of your #SaveDallas participation.