Once in awhile you look back over your past and realize that people are not always whom you thought they were. This is not always a bad thing; rather instead at times it is a good thing, if not a great thing. Take for example an old friend of mine from high school, Denny Duran.
Denny and I were not always hanging out, but we did share some classes, talked from time-to-time, and graduated from the same class. I always thought he was a good guy. A couple of years ago we had a class reunion and Denny was there. I remember he carried a yearbook around that he had found at a garage sale or flea market from the same year we had graduated. Surprisingly the yearbook had remained unsigned through the years. Denny went around and ask each person at the reunion to sign the yearbook. I signed the book, feeling like I was giving out my autograph when little did I realize that I should have sought Denny’s autograph at that time. All through the reunion process, during the reunion and after, I never heard Denny brag or boast about his ability to write songs or play them. I really had no idea what Denny did and to be honest I did not seek him out to ask him. As it turns out, I should have.
Denny is one of those “undiscovered” songwriters. Once I questioned him about the music on his My Space page, I found out that he has written over one hundred songs in the past twenty-five years. A hundred songs would be significant for any current songwriter, so I was a little surprised when he humbly told me about his “hobby”, but that is the sort of guy Denny apparently is. He is not one to blow his own horn. So, I’m using my little place here in the blog world to promote Denny’s music. If you have time, go on over to his My Space page, take a few minutes to listen. You may be surprised to learn that some of his songs posted there have been listened to over four hundred times. And, if by chance you’re a producer or singer looking for a songwriter, it’s time to make Denny famous. Besides, I can always use a few more famous friends around me.
Denny's Music
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